• 954-428-2480
  • 954-428-2904
  • Mon to Fri 8:30am to 5:00pm



About CRH O’Regan Hemorrhoid Treatment:
The CRH O’Regan System treats hemorrhoids completely – without surgery or recovery time.

The hemorrhoid treatment process is simple. The procedure is easy, fast and painless. You’ll be amazed at how simple it is…and how great you feel.

The CRH O’Regan hemorrhoid treatment technology works by cutting off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid, causing it to shrink and fall off in a few days. You may not even notice when this happens.

  • Fewer than 5% of patients have a recurrence within 2 years
  • Takes less than 1 minute
  • Less than 1% complication rate — much safer than traditional banding
  • With our unique banding system, you won’t feel pain or need to take valuable time off work.


There are minor risks associate with this procedure: pain, urinary symptoms, loss of blood, infection, or allergic reaction along with a risk of recurrent hemorrhoidal symptoms.

During your Hemorrhoid Banding Appointment

First, your physician will examine you and confirm your diagnosis. If he or she determines a CRH System hemorrhoid banding procedure is right for you, you may begin treatment right away, or on a subsequent visit.

During the brief and painless banding procedure, your physician will use a gentle suction device – unlike the harsh metal clamps used in other banding treatments – to place a small rubber band around the base of the internal hemorrhoid where there are no pain-sensitive nerve endings. The whole thing typically takes less than 60 seconds.

After the Hemorrhoid Banding Appointment

Once the band is in place, it cuts off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid, causing the banded tissue to fall off, typically within a few days. You probably will not even notice when this happens! The hemorrhoid will shrink, relieving your symptoms.

During the first 24 hours, you may experience a feeling of fullness or a dull ache in the rectum, but over-the-counter pain medication will provide sufficient relief.

If you have multiple hemorrhoids, you’ll likely need to come back to treat each one separately – that way, your doctor can monitor your treatment and ensure the complication rate is kept to an absolute minimum.

After your Hemorrhoid Banding Appointment, recovery is easy.

Fast Hemorrhoid Healing, Fast Recovery

Once your doctor’s visit is complete, that’s it – no restrictive hemorrhoid recovery regimens to follow. You can resume your normal activities as tolerated. Simply avoid heavy lifting, rigorous exercise and similarly strenuous activity on the day of your treatment. You can resume all normal activity the next day.

You can have normal bowel movements during hemorrhoid recovery, though you may want to soak in a sitz bath (a warm tub with a tablespoon of table salt added) or use a bidet for a gentler cleansing of the anal opening.

Preventing future hemorrhoids

After recovery, you’ll need to make some changes to help prevent future problems. To prevent hemorrhoids, you’ll need to avoid straining during bowel movements. Some tips include:

  • Drink a lot of fluids. Unless your medical condition prohibits it, you should consume seven or eight glasses of water each day.
  • Add 15 grams of fiber to your diet (two tablespoons of natural oat or wheat bran, Metamucil, Benefiber, flax or other soluble fiber).
  • Do not sit longer than two minutes on the toilet. If you can’t have a bowel movement in that time, come back later. This “two-minute” rule can help keep you from straining during bowel movements without realizing it.
  • During air travel, be sure to stay hydrated, avoid alcohol, eat fiber and walk around when you can.